Please enter an Image URL or choose a file from your computer:
Note: All processing is done on the user's computer.
We have no interest in user images and do not view them, nor can we.
After (Preview):
This program loops though all the pixels in the supplied image and alters the Red, Green, and Blue
channels according to the equations provided by the user.
Equations are given in the form of relative pixel values. 0,0 is the current pixel and for example, 0,-1 would be the pixel above it.
1.) Please define the square dimensions (Row * Column) for the relative pixels.
2.) Enter equations:
Click on the red, green or blue squares to change the selected equation that you are editing.
Then click on the white squares from the top of the page to add them to the selected equation.
Now the squares in the eqaution can be clicked to cycle their color, and the signs can be clicked to cycle between +, -, /, and * as well.
3.) Select an image to edit.
4.) Click Filter